The Doors to Dream Vision

Doors to Dream takes a long-term and longitudinal approach to developing well-rounded and prepared students in our Title I schools. We desire for students to leave our seven year program with the skills, confidence, and opportunities to live an inspired, purposeful life. We do this through three programs, each with a different goal but all leading to graduates ready for their next steps after graduation.

Pathways to Leadership is designed to lay the foundation for students. We teach the social-emotional skills, the leadership, and the civic engagement mindset that are necessary to build upon. With this knowledge, students know who they are and how they can best lead their peers.

Dream Team immediately builds on the foundation and activates the skills that students learn in middle school by serving their community. We put that foundation to work in making their world a better place.

And finally, our Mentorship Academy puts a bow on the seven years and prepares students on a granular level for what is to come after they graduate. By building a game plan with them and perfecting the professional skills, students know what they need to do in order to achieve their dreams.

For more information on each particular program, check out their descriptions in the Header!